Technical Program
Program schedule is now available for download in PDF: Schedule-at-a-Glance
Now available for download in PDF: All Abstracts
Tuesday, May 6
Session 1A: Future of Marine Charting
Chair: John Lowell (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
CHS & HPD – The New Hydrographic Production Environment | Lynn Patterson (Canadian Hydrographic Service) | Paper Slides |
Future of Nautical Charting at NOAA | Julia Powell (NOAA), Travis Newman, Beata Van Esch, Rafael Ponce, Paul Lewis and Jorge Arias | Paper Slides |
IHO S-100 – The New Hydrographic Geospatial Standard for Marine Data and Information | Robert E Ward (International Hydrographic Bureau) | Paper Slides |
High definition bathymetry production, distribution and updating | Louis Maltais (Canadian Hydrographic Service) | Paper Slides |
12:00-13:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Divide and Impera: An Analysis of the River Schelde Project | George Spoelstra (QPS bv) | Poster |
Debris Mapping in Lake Borgne, Louisiana | Paul Donaldson (SAIC), Gary Davis, Rebecca Quintal and Walter Simmons | Poster |
Session 1B: Cadastral systems for sustainable land management
Chair: Peter Sullivan (Surveyor General, Canada)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Canadian contributions to land management in Africa: The future is both there and here | Brian A Ballantyne (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management) and Peter Sullivan | Paper |
The Socio-Economics of Yala Swamp and implications of American based Dominion Farm Ltd., Reclaims National Heritage in KENYA. | John Vorster (Department of Environment and Conservation, Victoria Institute for Research on Environment and Development-VIRED Int’l.) | Abstract |
Informing the Duty to Consult: Mapping Aboriginal Spatial Demands in Canada | Khaleel Khan (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management) and Brian Ballantyne | Paper |
Multimedia Data in Land Records Systems: Field trials in Nigeria | Michael Barry (University of Calgary) | Paper Slides |
12:00-13:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
None |
Session 2A: Legal issues and sovereignty, UNCLOS
Chair: Wendell Sanford (Foreign Affairs and International trade Canada)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Baseline Claims and Sea-Level Rise | Trent Palmer (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) | Paper Slides |
From the Arctic to the tropics: The U.S. UNCLOS Bathymetric Mapping Program | James Gardner (University of New Hampshire), Larry Mayer and Andrew Armstrong | Paper Slides |
Ice and No Ice: The Canadian UNCLOS Bathymetric Mapping Program | J. Richard MacDougall (Canadian Hydrographic Service), Wendell Sanford and Jacob Verhoef | Paper Slides |
14:30-15:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Boundary Bay Boundary | Brian A Ballantyne (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management) | Poster |
FoSMiner – An added value tool for UNCLOS article 76 implementation | Aldino Campos (EMEPC), Manuel Abreu, Fernando Pimentel and the EMEPC Task Group | Poster |
Session 2B: Cadastral innovation and technology
Chair: Chris Chiasson (Altus Geomatics, Canada)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Geo-Referencing Requirements of Surveys of Canada Lands | Brian Thompson (Natural Resources Canada) | Paper Slides |
Cadastral Evolution in British Columbia | Brent Taylor (Polaris Land Surveying Inc.) and Jeff Beddoes (Senior Deputy Surveyor General of British Columbia) | Paper Slides |
Defining boundaries using only coordinates: Appealing to plasticity. | Brian A Ballantyne (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management) | Paper Slides |
The LTSA and the Office of the Surveyor General | Mike Thomson (Land Title and Survey Authority of BC) | Paper Slides |
14:30-15:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
None |
Session 3A: Mapping from land to sea – I
Chair: Richard Sanfaçon (Canadian Hydrographic Service)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Facing Challenges with New Techniques: Southeast Alaska to the Aleutian Islands | Bob Richards (Fugro Pelagos), Andrew Orthmann, Robert Richards Jr., Dean Moyles and Carol Lockhart | Abstract Slides |
Surveying Objects – Efficiencies in Data Acquisition and Transformation | Andrew Leyzack (Canadian Hydrographic Service) | Paper Slides |
14:30-15:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Development and Assessment of Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Products for Shoreline Mapping | Lynnette Morgan (NOAA), Shachak Pe’eri and Andrew Armstrong | Poster |
Session 3B: Future of the Survey profession
Chair: Hugh O’Donnell (MMM Group International Inc., Canada)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Supporting Lifelong Learning and Education of Geomatics Professionals | Steve Y. W. Lam (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) | Paper Slides |
Licensing issues for cadastral surveying: Parochialism, cooperation & mobility | Khaleel Khan (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management) Brian A Ballantyne, and Peter Sullivan | Abstract |
A Vision for the Future of the Surveying Profession in Canada | James Statham (Canadian Council of Land Surveyors), J. Hugh O’Donnell, Michael O’Sullivan and Sarah Cornett | Paper Slides |
14:30-15:00 Poster Presentations | ||
None |
Wednesday, May 7
Session 4: Vertical referencing systems / issues
Chair: Fred Stephenson (Canadian Hydrographic Service)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Vertical Datum Issues for Continuity from the Land to the Seafloor | Christian Andreasen (National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency) | Paper Slides |
Developing a Concept of Operations for Military Surveys to IHO Standards without Shore-Based Stations | Maxim Van Norden (NAVOCEANO), Elliot Arroyo-Suarez and Rodney Ladner | Paper Slides |
Tightly Integrated Inertially-Aided GPS Network Positioning for Marine Hydrography | Peter Canter (Applanix Corp.), Richard Brennan and Edward Van Den Ameele | Paper Slides |
Atlantic Canada’s Real-Time Water Level System (Observations, Predictions, Forecasts and Datums on the Web) | Phillip MacAulay (Canadian Hydrographic Service), Charles O’Reilly and Keith Thompson | Paper Slides |
10:00-10:30 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Updating the International Great Lakes Datum (IGLD) | Thomas Landon (NOAA, National Ocean Service) and Stephen Gill | Poster |
Using Globally-corrected GPS solutions to assess the viability of hydrodynamic modeling in the Bay of Fundy |
Ian Church (University of New Brunswick), John Hughes Clarke, Susan Haigh, Mike Lamplugh, Jon Griffin and Russell Parrott | Paper Poster |
Monitoring Changes in Mean Sea Level across the Arctic with Tide Gauges and GPS Receivers | Terese Herron (Canadian Hydrographic Service), Michael Craymer, Andrew Leyzack and Carol Robinson | Poster |
Development of a vertical reference surface in coastal zones: A case study on the Atlantic coast | Azadeh Koohzare (McElhanney Consulting Service Ltd.) | Poster |
Integrating Topographic and Hydrographic Data (Land & Water) | Mike Williams (US Army Corps of Engineers) | Paper Poster |
Session 5: Data integration and management: problems and solutions
Chair: Jean Gagnon (Canada Centre for Cadastral Management)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
An evaluation of CARIS Bathy DataBASE as a bathymetric data management solution for CHS Quebec | Jean-Guy Nistad (Centre Interdisciplinaire de développement en cartographie des océans), Karen Cove, Frédéric Lavoie | Paper Slides |
Integration of Hydrographic Data Products in a Global GIS | António Calado (EMEPC), Manuel Abreu, Rogério Chumbinho, Alberto Silva and Luís de Sousa | Paper Slides |
Composite Source Feature File: Simplifying the Complexities of Near Shore Hydrography | Kyle Ward (NOAA) and Megan Palmer | Paper Slides |
The National Hydro Network (NHN) | Yves Belzile (Natural Resources Canada) | Paper Slides |
12:00-13:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Adjusting the Nautical Cartography from ED50 to EtrS89 in a Database Production Environment | Aldino Campos (EMEPC), Virgilio Chim, Ana Navarro and Fernando Artilheiro | Poster |
Reconciling Multiple Riverine Surveys in a Single Charting Product Database | David Dodd (University of Southern Mississippi) | Poster |
Session 6: Mapping from land to sea – II
Chair: Dick Pickrill (Natural Resources Canada)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Merging Marine and Land Data for Coastal Area Mapping | Mark MacKenzie and Nadia Theriault (CARIS) | Paper Slides |
Integration of Multibeam Bathymetry and Lidar Surveys of the Bay of Fundy, Canada | Russell Parrott (Natural Resources Canada), Brian Todd, John Hughes Clarke, Jonathon Griffin, Bruce MacGowan, Michael Lamplugh and Timothy Webster | Paper Slides |
Comparing LiDAR and Acoustic Bathymetry Using Total Propagated Error (TPE) and the Combined Uncertainty and Bathymetry Estimator (CUBE) Algorithm | Carol Lockhart (Fugro Pelagos), Douglas Lockhart and Jose Martinez | Paper Slides |
Multiple Applications of Bathymetric liDAR | James Guilford (Tenix LADS, Inc.) and Megan Palmer | Paper Slides |
14:30-15:00 Poster Presentations | Authors (affiliation of principal author) | |
Bridging The Land/Water Boundary Using SHOALS Bathymetric Lidar | Eric Yang (Optech Incorporated), Michael Sitar, Wenbo Pan, Karen Francis | Poster |
Session 7: Data for new / emerging clients
Chair: Gerd Glang (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA)
Titre | Auteur(s) | Fichier pdf |
Human Vulnerability and Climate Change: An assessment of Greater Vancouver’s human vulnerability to sea level rise in 2100 | Emily Nixon (Ministry of Health, BC) | Paper Slides |
An Introspective Approach to Enabling Discovery, Understanding and Appropriate Use of NOAA Hydrographic Data for New and Emerging Clients | Jeremy McHugh (NOAA), Dan Neumann, John Tucker and James Hiebert | Paper Slides |
The Complexities in the Design and Definitions of the North West Atlantic Data Set: Searching for Rational Architecture to implement Diverse Bathymetric Data | Herman Varma (Canadian Hydrographic Service), Gerard Costello, Ron MacNab, Tobias Spears and Christine Delbridge |