Bourse d’étude

Association canadienne d’hydrographie Bourse d’études

Trois bourses seront émises par année 2500 $ par bourse

  1. Le candidat doit être Canadien ou un résident permanent inscrit à temps plein à un programme d’études postsecondaires accrédité dans le domaine de la géomatique avec une composante hydrographique et/ou cartographique marine, ou inscrit à un programme de catégorie A ou B reconnu par le comité international sur les normes de compétence pour les hydrographes et les spécialistes en cartographie marine (IBSC).
  2. La bourse sera offerte aux étudiants de niveau collégial (y compris les collèges d’enseignement général et professionnel – CEGEP ) et aux étudiants inscrits à un programme menant à un grade (baccalauréat ou maîtrise) ou à un diplôme en hydrographie ou dans une discipline étroitement liée à l’hydrographie.
  3. Les candidats devront présenter un relevé de notes ou une copie de leurs notes postsecondaires les plus récentes au moment de la candidature. Les notes doivent indiquer une moyenne académique de 70 % ou plus.
  4. Les candidats doivent présenter une lettre de recommandation d’un responsable de l’université ou de l’établissement d’enseignement supérieur qu’ils ont fréquentés le plus
    récemment. Cette lettre de recommandation doit inclure l’adresse et le numéro de téléphone du responsable.
  5. Les demandes de bourses doivent être soumises avant le 7 février de chaque année.
  6. La valeur de la bourse est de 2 500 dollars par personne et seuls les candidats retenus seront informés.
  7. Les candidats retenus recevront un certificat de l’ACS et leur nom sera inscrit sur une plaque perpétuelle des lauréats. Une photo de la plaque, dûment gravée, sera remise au lauréat, accompagnée d’un chèque de 2 500 $ d’ici la mi-août.
  8. Un étudiant ne peut recevoir la bourse qu’une seule fois.
  9. Les candidats retenus sont priés de fournir une lettre d’appréciation et une photo qui seront publiées sur le site web de l’ACS.
Postulez ici :


Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2024

I am writing to thank you for selecting me as a recipient of the 2024 CHA Student Bursary. This award has helped many students pursue careers in the field of hydrography, and I am extremely
grateful to be chosen as part of this effort to continue the support of students’ education.

I am currently in my second year of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering at the University of New Brunswick and am very proud to be a part of GGE. This program and the people in it have shown me an entire field of study that I was not aware of before coming to UNB and have helped me to discover my love for ocean mapping and hydrography.

Working as an undergraduate research assistant for the Ocean Mapping Group this summer, I got to take part in many of the different aspects of ocean mapping and hydrographic surveying. Furthermore, I was fortunate enough to attend the Canadian Hydrographic Conference in St.
John’s, introducing me to a world of career possibilities that have made me very excited about my future studies.

I want to thank you again for your continued support of students across Canada, and for the financial support that will help myself and others with pursuing our educations. I look forward to the future, and to hopefully contribute to the CHA during my career.


Olivia Bacon

“I am deeply thankful for this bursary from the Canadian Hydrographic Association. This recognition strengthens my commitment to the field of hydrographic sciences and provides essential support as I pursue my Master of Applied Ocean Technology (Ocean Mapping). Being part of a community that promotes growth, innovation, and knowledge sharing is truly inspiring, and I look forward to continuing my journey with the aim of contributing to advancements in ocean mapping and technology.”

Jordan A. Rees
CLS, PMP, P.Tech, B.Tech



« Je suis énormément reconnaissante d’être récipiendaire d’une bourse d’étude de l’ACH. Une telle aide financière me donnera l’occasion de consacrer davantage de temps à mes études ainsi qu’à mes implications dans le domaine de la géomatique.

J’étudie présentement à la maîtrise en sciences géomatiques – avec mémoire, et ce, dans le but de proposer une solution à une problématique foncière. Parallèlement à ma recherche, j’ai à cœur la promotion de la géomatique et je souhaiterais que cette discipline soit davantage connue, de même que ses applications, telles que l’hydrographie.

Je remercie grandement l’ACH pour l’obtention de cette bourse! »



Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2023

The Canadian Hydrographic Association is please to award $2000 bursaries to Elizabeth P. Christie of the University of New Brunswick, Rosalie Poirier of Université Laval, and Arnold Murphy of Marine Institute, Memorial University of Newfoundland and Labrador.

Lizz Christie is currently in her fourth year at the University of New Brunswick pursuing Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering with a focus on Ocean Mapping. “It’s programs and opportunities like these that gives students a chance to pursue their goals regardless of their backgrounds. It’s programs and opportunities like these that gives students a chance to pursue their goals regardless of their backgrounds.  Thank you again for such an amazing opportunity and please keep doing what you do!”

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I want to thank you for this opportunity you’ve given me and to many students and for the support you’ve provided for those in need. I applied for this scholarship with the hope that despite going into this semester with a baby on the way, I would be able to have the funding I needed to keep going for another semester and not be forced to take a whole year off. I am so grateful that I get to keep pursuing the education I’ve worked so hard for, and eventually get that dream career.

I’m currently in my fourth year at the University of New Brunswick pursuing Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering with a focus on Ocean Mapping, and it’s been a wild ride. I’ve worked for the Ocean Mapping Group and had focused my efforts on outreach. I presented at the Hydrographic Conference in Alabama earlier this year and preached about giving equal opportunity through student funding, research and events. I also had the opportunity to be an instructor over the summer in a program designed to get high school students familiar with the world of hydrography.

It’s programs and opportunities like these that gives students a chance to pursue their goals regardless of their backgrounds. And that is an amazing feeling not only from a student standpoint such as my own, but also from someone who continues to stand for giving equal opportunity for those who otherwise would miss out on a rewarding career.

Thank you again for such an amazing opportunity and please keep doing what you do! It makes the biggest difference to so many lives.

Lizz Christie

Arnold Murphy is in his second year of the Ocean Mapping program at the Marine Institute. “This award has motivated me to continue pursuing a career in hydrography and will allow me to achieve my academic goals.  . I am excited to complete my degree and begin my contributions to the hydrographic community. I want to thank the Canadian Hydrographic Association for the honour and motivation that comes with this award.”

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I am thrilled to be selected as one of the 2023 CHA Student Bursaries recipients. This award has motivated me to continue pursuing a career in hydrography and will allow me to achieve my academic goals.

I am in my second year of the Ocean Mapping program at the Marine Institute and have enjoyed every second of my studies. I have always admired the ocean’s mysteries and will continue to explore the ocean’s unknown as part of the ocean mapping team. I’ve learned much about the technologies and processes I can apply while working in the field. I am excited to complete my degree and begin my contributions to the hydrographic community.

I want to thank the Canadian Hydrographic Association for the honour and motivation that comes with this award. It will be a great help to me in the continuation of my studies.

Kind Regards,

Arnold Murphy


Rosalie Poirier is presently enrolled in the Sciences géomatiques de Université Laval.   ‘’Dès le début de mon cursus, j’avais très hâte d’assister au cours d’hydrographie qui se donne seulement vers la fin du programme.  Merci encore pour cette bourse. C’est très apprécié. En effet, ce prix allège mon fardeau financier relié aux frais d’études et en plus de récompenser mes efforts fournis, cela m’encourage beaucoup à terminer mes études avec force.’’

Je tiens à vous remercier de m’avoir sélectionnée comme l’une des récipiendaires de cette bourse. Ayant un parcours académique atypique, j’ai enfin trouvé ma voie en géomatique. En effet, j’ai un intérêt grandissant pour ce domaine depuis que j’ai commencé mon baccalauréat en sciences géomatiques. Dès le début de mon cursus, j’avais très hâte d’assister au cours d’hydrographie qui se donne seulement vers la fin du programme. J’ai d’ailleurs tellement aimé ce cours que j’ai eu envie d’en apprendre davantage et de consolider mes notions acquises en effectuant un stage en hydrographie. J’ai eu la chance d’effectuer un stage très stimulant au sein de Groupe Océan, soit une entreprise spécialisée en dragage. Merci encore pour cette bourse. C’est très apprécié. En effet, ce prix allège mon fardeau financier relié aux frais d’études et en plus de récompenser mes efforts fournis, cela m’encourage beaucoup à terminer mes études avec force.
Merci beaucoup,
Rosalie Poirier


Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2022 Andrew David

Thank you letter from Andrew David

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I want to genuinely thank you for awarding me with the Canadian Hydrographic Association’s Student award. I am thrilled and honored to have been selected.

From 2019 to 2021, I was employed by companies specializing in offshore environmental monitoring as a Protected Species Observer to mitigate impacts on endangered marine mammal species caused by the sound sources deployed for Hydrographic Surveying projects.

Following conversations with the Hydrographic Surveyors working with me on these projects, my interest was piqued, and I was quickly convinced that I should pursue a career in Hydrography. Upon recommendation, I applied for the Marine Geomatics Graduate Certificate program at the Centre of Geographic Sciences (COGS) in Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia. For my work term, I have been very fortunate to receive an internship during the spring of 2022 with Sevenson Environmental Services Inc., a leading environmental dredging company with projects across North America, allowing me to utilize my education in both Marine Geomatics and Biology.

I cannot thank you enough for your donation which eases my financial burden so I can focus on furthering my career in hydrography and I look forward to contributing to the Canadian Hydrographic Association in the future.


Andrew David

Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2022 Lisa Forbes

Thank you letter from Lisa Forbes

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I am honoured to have been chosen as one of this year’s recipients of the Canadian Hydrographic Association Student Award. When deciding to return to school, I chose to study Ocean Mapping at the Marine Institute (MUN) in St. John’s, Newfoundland. This Award directly supports my commitment to continue my education, providing both the encouragement and the means to transition from a 3-year technical diploma towards a degree.

Being a mature student comes with a particular set of difficulties and advantages. But as a lifelong learner, I hope to always remain curious and open-minded and as I navigate the balance between academic and career commitments. I realize the need to learn new things, integrate new technologies and improve on processes are common traits among successful hydrospatial professionals. I am certain that I have made the right choice joining the Hydrographic community and I look forward to contributing to this industry to the best of my ability, including continuing to upgrade my education.

I want to sincerely thank the Canadian Hydrographic Association for this generous award. It means the world to me and my family to be recognized and supported in this way. If you’ll permit, I’d also like to thank my daughter, Lily, who has been my constant cheerleader throughout the last three “lean” years of school.

With gratitude,

Lisa Forbes

Marine Institute (MUN)

School of Ocean Technology – Ocean Mapping

Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2021 Marie-Lise Roux

À toute l’équipe de l’Association Hydrographique du Canada,

Un immense merci à vous! M’avoir sélectionné comme une des récipiendaires de la bourse ACH 2021 veut dire beaucoup. Non seulement vous me confirmez que mon retour aux études en technologie de la Géomatique était un bon choix, vous me rappelez aussi que tout ce qui est en lien avec l’eau, de la surface ou d’en dessous, fera toujours parti de mon quotidien.

Plus qu’une année et je pourrai enfin exercer ma profession et vous venez de me donner toute une motivation supplémentaire à ma réussite et mon implication dans le domaine.


Marie-Lise Roux
Finissante en Technologie de la Géomatique, profil Cartographie, Cégep Limoilou, Québec, Canada.

Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2021 Graham Christie

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I would like to express the deepest of gratitude for the work you do supporting students across Canada in their pursuit of hydrographic studies. It is a great honor to be selected as a recipient of this year’s award.

Three years ago, I had never thought of hydrography as an option for myself, but through my studies in the Geodesy Geomatics Engineering program at UNB, and attending the CHC2020 conference it has become a core part of where I see myself in the future. For the past two summers I have had the privilege of being a part of the UNB Ocean Mapping Group, and through that work have been exposed to a wide range of activities in the hydrographic world. I am particularly interested in working with and developing uncrewed surface vessels, as well as working to develop more low-cost and open-source tools for data collection. Currently I am in my fourth and final year of the Geodesy Geomatics Engineering BScE program, and plan to continue my studies in hydrography over the next few years while undertaking a masters.

The receipt of this award is a wonderful recognition of the hard work I have put in to get to this place. The financial assistance will allow me to continue focusing on my academic goals full time. I eagerly await the time when I can give back to the hydrographic community.

Thank you again!
Graham Christie

Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2020 Trent Timmons

Lettre de remerciement de Trent:

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I was excited to find out I was selected as a recipient of the Canadian Hydrographic Association Award. Your support helps students like me achieve our academic goals and I feel honored to have been selected.

As a third-year student of the BCIT Geomatics program I have enjoyed my time learning about hydrography and I am looking forward to learning more in the degree program. Growing up on Vancouver Island has given me a great appreciation for the ocean. I have been fortunate enough to have been exposed to hydrographic surveying as part of a project at McElhanney. I am eager to spend more time in this field and hope to have more opportunities in the future to do so.

Thank you for the generosity and kindness. Your recognition and financial assistance help motivate me to strive for excellence while also reducing the financial stress of school.


Trent Timmons

Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2020 Kara Sanford


Lettre de remerciement de Kara:

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

I would like to express my sincere thanks for supporting students every year with the Student Award and for selecting me as the recipient for 2020.

My path to discovering the hydrography field started with my enrolment in the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering program at the University of New Brunswick. I took a great interest in the ocean mapping component of my degree and have been striving to excel in the field since. I was sponsored by QPS to attend the Canadian Hydrographic Conference this winter, I’ve been accepted to board the Nautilus with the Ocean Exploration Trust as a Seafloor Mapping Intern, and I was given the opportunity to participate in my first hydrographic field survey during my third co-op work term with the Canadian Hydrographic Service this summer.

Thank you for the encouragement, honour, and financial assistance that comes with this award. I look forward to playing my part in the advancement of the hydrography field.


Kara Sanford


Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2019 Aaron Rooke


Lettre de remerciement de Aaron:

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association,

As the recipient of the Canadian Hydrographic Association Award, I wanted to thank you for the generous support. I was thrilled to learn that I had received the award and am extremely appreciative.

I have just begun my third year in the Geomatics program BCIT and I am looking forward to learning more about geomatics in general and hydrography specifically. Over the summer I was fortunate enough to get experience taking part in a hydrographic survey at Underhill Geomatics and I hope to have such opportunities again in the future. I am excited to see how the field progresses and how I can fit into it.

Thank you again for your generosity and support. This award will ease the financial burden of being a student and help me to focus on my studies and excel at BCIT.


Aaron Rooke


Gagnant de la bourse ACH 2018 Jia Gong


Lettre de remerciement de Jia:

Dear Canadian Hydrographic Association:

I write to extend my sincere gratitude for being selected as a recipient of the prestigious Canadian Hydrographic Association Student Award, which I treasure as a high honour that recognizes all my efforts in the pursuit of a profession in hydrography.

As a fourth year undergraduate student in the Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering program at the University of New Brunswick (UNB), I have been devoting my entire time to reaching the highest academic achievement possible since day one of my university life. I strived to excel myself in every course, especially in those related to hydrography and oceanography. Meanwhile I have been proactive in seeking relevant practical experiences: I eagerly involved myself in UNB’s Ocean Mapping Group, and most recently I accomplished a fruitful internship at Canadian Hydrographic Service, with creation of a standardized and automated solution to streamline its internal workflow. I hold a strong passion for a hydrographer career, and this award offers a valuable encouragement for this career aspiration of mine, and constitute a critical fund that will ease my financial burden, so that I can focus more on future studies.

Thank you for your generosity. I am very proud to be granted this award, and will strive to uphold and further exemplify its reputation with my continuous academic excellence.


Jia Gong