About Central Branch
Central Branch of CHA is based in Burlington, Ontario, and has about 70 members. About half of our Central Branch members work for the Canadian Hydrographic Service at the Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington. Many of our members are with other government agencies or in private industry, and some are students or retired.
Membership is open to all hydrographers, those working in associated disciplines, and those interested in hydrography and marine cartography.
What the CHA Can Do For You:
- advance your knowledge of hydrography, cartography and associated disciplines, and keep you abreast of the latest developments in these disciplines;
- enable you to develop and maintain contacts with others involved with hydrography, nationally and internationally.
These benefits are provided through the publication of LIGHTHOUSE (one of only three journals in the world devoted exclusively to hydrography) and through the sponsorship of seminars, colloquiums, training programs, national conferences, and Branch and National meetings.
Branch & Regional Activities
The Canadian Hydrographic Association has five(5) branches located across Canada.