2020 Conference

Title Author PDF
How to prepare for Hydrographic Artifical Intelligence (AI) Networks and System? Denis Hains PDF
Automated detection of bathymetric outliers Thierry Schmitt PDF
Using AI to improve automated recognition of underwater objects in sidescan sonar imagery Guillaume Morissette PDF
AI in Three Dimensions Burns Foster PDF
Estimation of Satellite Derived Bathymetry capabilities for shallow water mapping in the Saint Lawrence river  Marc Lennon PDF
Towards monitoring of shallow waters for higher latitudes regions Knut Hartmann PDF
SDB use case – Chart adequacy evaluation on St Martin Island after huricane Irma Thierry Schmitt PDF
HYDROSPATIAL Plenary Denis Hains PDF
Autonomy done right – a force multiplier in hydrography James Coleman PDF
A mapping focused open-sourced software framework for Autonomous Surface Vehicles Roland Arsenault PDF
A New Space-Based Standard for Remote Bathymetric Surveying Kyle Goodrich PDF
Low-Cost GNSS Hardware for High-Accuracy Marine Positioning Johnson Oguntuas PDF
Performance Evaluation of Eight Different Integrated Navigation, Heading, Attitude, and Heave Systems by Comparing Errors in Seafloor Bathymetry Anand Hiroji PDF
The response of the continental shelf from Louisiana to Alabama to Hurricane Nate and tropical storm Alberto Uchenna Nwankwo PDF
High Resolution Berthing Scale Electronic Navigation Charts: Successes and Challenges of Data Acquisition and Chart Production to Support Commercial Shipping Elizabeth Bonner PDF
S-100 Bathymetric Data Service Pilot Project ‘ Modernization of Marine Navigation Mike Van Duzee PDF
The National Bathymetric Source Glen Rice PDF
The e-learning Python for Ocean Mapping project Giuseppe Masetti PDF
Sonar-lidar mapping of harbor facilities: concept, equipment and method P. Medoune Ndir PDF
Charting for the future, reducing the challenges of chart updating Annie Biron PDF
 Projet de visualisation de la norme S-102 ‘ Surface bathymétrique Pascal Rhéaume PDF
Systematic errors estimation in repeat MBES surveys Nathalie Debese PDF
Augmenting hydrographic data with high-resolution ocean modeling Ahmadreza Alleosfour PDF
Horizontal Calibration of Vessel Lever Arms Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) Casey O’Heran PDF
Soundings Validation Toolbox: Research to Operations Christos Kastrisios PDF
Adopting a modern approach to compiling bathymetry for nautical charts Karen Cove PDF
BAG 2.0: Continuing Development of an Open, Grid-based Data Transfer Format Brian Calder PDF
New Metadata Layers for the BAG Format Glen Rice PDF
ENC Depth Areas: Quality control of sea-bottom surface continuity and error fixes Christos Kastrisios PDF
Beyond point clouds, 3D polygonal meshes for discovery of new features in marine datasets Danny Neville PDF
Developing Machine Learning Models for Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement of Bathymetry Extraction from Lidar Point Clouds Kim Lowell PDF
Calibrating broadband multibeam seabed backscatter Ivan Guimaraes PDF
Solutions to Hydrographic Challenges in the Alaskan Arctic Alissa Johnson PDF
CCGS Amundsen Arctic Multibeam Data Collection and Processing: Past, Present and Future Ian Church PDF
Surveying by sailboat: bathymetric mapping of the Canadian High Arctic Gabriel Joyal PDF
Développement d’une deuxième génération du porteur hydrographique Grégoire Ledoux PDF
Large Scale Mutli-Sensor Surveys A contractors perspective on the benefits David Field PDF
Monitoring Bubble Washdown over a Deep-Water Multibeam Ping Cycle John Hughes Clarke PDF
Holistic Processing Automation: Charlene, SHAM and Scribble Damian Manda PDF
Estimating Crowdsourced, Authoritative Observer, and Data Reputation Brian Calder PDF


A Discussion for On the Fly Vertical Transformations in Hydrography Tami Francksen et al PDF
A journey through the Discovery of the Clotilda : “The Last American Slave Ship” Kandice Gunning and Anand Hiroji PDF
A mapping focused open-sourced software framework for Autonomous Surface Vehicles Roland Arsenault and Val Schmidt PDF
A New Space-Based Standard for Remote Bathymetric Surveying Kyle Goodrich PDF
A State-Space Framework for Multitemporal Satellite Derived Bathymetry Nicholas A. Forfinski-Sarkozi PDF
Accessing CHS’ Bathymetric Data for Non-Navigational Purposes Gallant, Dana et al PDF
Accessing Intensity: Making the Canadian Hydrographic Service’s Backscatter Inventory accessible-v1 Gallant, Dana et al PDF
Acquisition of an airborne topo-bathymetric LiDAR survey along watercourses for the Communauté métropolitaine de Québec’s flood mapping project Julie Simard et al PDF
Adopting a modern approach to compiling bathymetry for nautical charts Karen Cove1 PDF
AI in Three Dimensions Burns Foster, Axel-Christian Guei PDF
Augmenting hydrographic data with high resolution ocean modeling Ahmadreza Alleosfour et al PDF
Automated detection of bathymetric outliers: Building machine learning features to process data Julian Le Deunf et al PDF
Automatic estimation of marine mobile LiDAR system boresight angles using planar targets Mohsen H. Shahraji and Christian Larouche PDF
Automation in single source chart production database Julien Barbeau PDF
Autonomous seafloor mapping Mr. Terje Haga Pedersen PDF
Autonomy Done Right James Coleman et al PDF
BAG 2.0: Continuing Development of an Open, Grid-Based Data Transfer Format Brian R. Calder PDF
Bathy Lidar Object Detection Carol Lockhart PDF
Beyond point clouds, 3D polygonal meshes for discovery of new features in marine datasets Danny Neville et al PDF
Calibrating broadband multibeam seabed backscatter Ivan Guimaraes, and John E. Hughes Clarke PDF
CCGS Amundsen Arctic Multibeam Data Collection and Processing Ian Church et Al PDF
Charting for the future, reducing the challenges of chart updating/

Cartographier pour le futur, réduire les défis de la mise à jour des cartes

A. Biron et al PDF
CHS’s Water Level System Renewal/

Le renouvellement des systèmes de niveaux d’eau du SHC

Francis Fortin-Legault et al PDF
Combined Standard Measurement Uncertainty Model to Bathymetric Data Willian Ney CASSOL PDF
Crowd sourced bathymetry in Northern Canada Julien Desrochers PDF
Crowd-sourced Bathymetric Maps of the Newfoundland and Labrador Shelves Emilie Novaczek et al PDF
Defining a new International Great Lakes Datum Terese Herron et al PDF
Developing Machine Learning Models for Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement of Bathymetry Extraction from Lidar Point Clouds Kim Lowell et al PDF
Development of Operational E-navigation, Canadian Methods, Solutions and Challenges Phillip MacAulay et al PDF
Développement du porteur hydrographique de deuxième génération Grégoire Ledoux1 et Charles Massicotte2 PDF
ENC Depth Areas Christos Kastrisios et al PDF
Estimating Crowdsourced, Authoritative Observer, and Data Reputation Brian R. Calder Shannon Hoy PDF
Estimation of Satellite Derived Bathymetry capabilities for shallow water mapping in the Saint Lawrence river Lennon Marc et al PDF
Évaluation du potentiel d’un système de collecte de données bathymétriques participatives HydroBox pour supporter la surveillance de la Voie Navigable du Saint-Laurent Mathieu Rondeau, Pierre Dion PDF
Extracting plane surfaces in bathymetric point clouds with a region growing algorithm Vincent Dupont et al PDF
FORSCE: Flotte Opérationnelle de Recherche en Sciences Côtières et Environnementales Pascal Bernatchez PDF
Gnss jamming and spoofing risks and mitigations for maritime users Aleksander Hammernes PDF
High Resolution Berthing Scale Electronic Navigation Charts E. Bonner, D. Havens PDF
Holistic Processing Automation: Charlene, SHAM and Scribble Eric Younkin PDF
Horizontal Calibration of Vessel Lever Arms Using Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) Casey O’Heran and Brian Calder PDF
How to prepare for Hydrographic Artifical Intelligence (AI) Networks and System? Denis Hains PDF
Hydrographic Survey Applications of Observed Vorticity in Optical-Band Satellite Data Ms. Helen F. Stewart, C.H. et al PDF
Hydrographie et dragage au service de la nature Biron, Marie-Ève g., B.Sc.A – Babineau, Sylvain M. Sc. HC PDF
La bathymétrie en 2020, où en sommes-nous ? Bathymetry in 2020, where are we? É. LeBel et al PDF
Large Scale Mutli-Sensor Surveys David Field et al PDF
Le Pilotage Intelligent : « Optimiser l’efficacité de la navigation maritime en améliorant la sécurité  


Low-Cost GNSS Hardware for High-Accuracy Marine Positioning Johnson Oguntuase et Al PDF
Mapping Inland Waters – Case study of mapping the Potomac River using Airborne Lidar Bathymetry Amar Nayegandhi et al PDF
Monitoring Bubble Washdown over a Deep-Water Multibeam Ping Cycle John E. Hughes Clarke et al PDF
New Metadata Layers for the BAG Format Glen Rice et al PDF
New Small Form Factor and Lightweight Airborne Laser Bathymetry Scanner Dr. Martin Pfenningbauer and Joshua I France PDF
Nippon Foundation / GEBCO training program at the Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping /Joint Hydrographic Center Rochelle Wigley PDF
NOAA’s response imagery and bathy lidar efforts for the 2017 hurricane impacted areas Hilina Tarekegn et al PDF
Open Backscatter Toolchain (OpenBST) M. Smith et al PDF
Operational Survey Trials of the DriX Autonomous Surface Vessel on NOAA Ship Thomas Jefferson Andrew Armstrong et al PDF
Performance Evaluation of Eight Different Integrated Navigation, Heading, Attitude, and Heave Systems by Comparing Errors in Seafloor Bathymetry Anand D. Hiroji et Al PDF
Precise ground-based GNSS-Reflectometry sea level measurements using low-cost antennas David Purnell et al PDF
S-100 Bathymetric Data Service Pilot Project – Modernization of Marine Navigation Mr. Mike Van Duzee et al PDF
SDB use case: Chart adequacy evalution on St Martin Island after huricane Irma Thierry Shmitt et al PDF
Sediment Classification Using Angular Response Curves Derived from Phase Measuring Bathymetric Sonar Aided with Sediment Sampling Kandice Gunning and Anand Hiroji PDF
Solutions to Hydrographic Challenges in the Alaskan Arctic Alissa Johnson PDF
Sonar-lidar mapping of harbor facilities: concept, payload and method Medoune Ndir, Gregoire Ledoux PDF
Soundings Validation Toolbox Christos Kastrisios1 et al PDF
Surveying by sailboat: bathymetric mapping of the Canadian High Arctic Gabriel Joyal et al PDF
Systematic errors estimation in repeat MBES surveys Nathalie Debese et al PDF
The Canadian Hydrographic Service Operational Plan (CHS-OP) René Chénier et al PDF
The Digital Repository of the International Hydrographic Review Brian Connon et al PDF
The e-learning Python for Ocean Mapping project Giuseppe Masetti et al PDF
The National Bathymetric Source Glen Rice et al PDF
The response of the continental shelf from Louisiana to Alabama to Hurricane Nate and tropical storm Alberto Nwankwo Uchenna et Al PDF
The role of standards in the development of a marine cadastre in Canada – Le rôle des normes dans le développement d’un cadastre marin au Canada Jean-François Beaupré PDF
The Use of GNSS at Water Level and Tide Gauge Stations in Canada Michael Craymer PDF
TITRE: Projet de visualisation delanorme S-102–Surface bathymétrique MonsieurPascalRhéaume et al PDF
Towards monitoring of shallow waters for higher latitudes regions Knut Hartmann PDF
Transmission Array Side Lobe Interference in Multibeam Phase Ramps Jonathan Hamel et al PDF
Underwater objects extraction and analysis Nathalie Debese, Jean José Jacq PDF
Unmanned Maritime Systems at the University of Southern Mississippi Brian Connon PDF
Using AI to improve automated recognition of underwater objects in sidescan sonar imagery Guillaume Labbé-Morissette, Sylvain Gauthier PDF